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Screw press with doubled capacity

Process Engineering
Screw press with doubled capacity

Screw press with doubled capacity
Alfa Laval extended its screw press range with the Screw Press 40. With double capacity compared to the existing Screw Press 20, it serves mid-size waste-water treatment plants and industrial customers that need a high performance dewatering solution without previous thickening. The screw presses are designed for dewatering of flocculated slurry and ideal for customers with focus on low power consumption, low noise level, easy maintenance and minimal supervision.

A frame with a special lattice grid structure ensures a very high structural strength with much less steel than a traditional screw press design. A light, planetary gearbox provides power transmission that enables a very high torque with low power consumption. The screens of the Screw Press 40 can be split vertically, enabling easy on-site maintenance of the conveyor from the side, while still mounted in the casing. If necessary, the conveyor can be removed from the side and put back, eliminating the need to send the entire screw press away for service. A pneumatic cleaning system flushes the screw press screens while the press remains in continuous operation.
www.cpp-net.com search: cpp0117alfalaval
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