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Chemical treatment system

Process Engineering
Chemical treatment system

Chemical treatment system
The CTS system delivers accurately caustic soda and other pH adjusting chemicals for the treatment of water and wastewater. Adding caustic soda to water and wastewater is typically accomplished using metering pumps, and diaphragm pumps represent the most widely used. However, dia-phragm pumps rely on four internal check valves for operation and caustic soda can crystallise causing problems in any pump using check valves.

Fluid Metering’s CTS chemical treatment pump uses a special valveless piston technology. A single rotating and reciprocating ceramic piston accomplishes both the pumping and valving functions, thereby eliminating the need for check valves and the associate maintenance. Sapphire-hard internal ceramics insure that there is no degradation in accuracy over time, and therefore, no need to recalibrate. The fluids are contained in a Nema 4X protective enclosure which can be wall mounted. Operating on less than 100 W, the unit virtually pays for itself in energy saved, often in a few months.
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