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Very durable Rotary-lobe Pumps

Achema Plant Processing
Very durable Rotary-lobe Pumps

Very durable Rotary-lobe Pumps
The EP Series of pumps have specialized sealing technologies to enable their use in aggressive chemical environments Source: Vogelsang

The EP Series of positive-displacement pumps form Vogelsang handles extreme conditions and constant high pressures. A heavy-duty gearbox allows for a uniform pressure output of up to 18 bar, making it unique in its category, according to the manufacturer. EP Series pumps consist of a one-piece housing that can reliably pump abrasive, chemically aggressive and explosive flow media at temperatures up to 200 °C. Helical gears in the gearbox ensure smooth performance and reduce noise emissions. Pulsation-free conveying reduces wear on the adjacent pipeline while providing a low-shear pumping action. This company has additionally equipped its EP series with an Airgap functionality, which atmospherically separates the gearbox and pump chamber, ensuring that, in the event of a leak, the liquid will drain off to the outside rather than leaking into the gearbox.

EP pumps introduce two new sealing types that enable their use in especially demanding environments. The CoX-Cartidge is a double mechanical seal for adhesive or chemically aggressive media. The API-Cartridge is a robust double mechanical seal designed according to API 682 guidelines, including the execution of flushing plans in accordance with API specifications. The new seals not only comply with specific industry standards, but they also increase the reliability of the pumping process and help to maximise uptime.


Hall 8.0, Stand F64

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