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Smart gearboxes with integrated sensor module

Plant Processing
Smart gearboxes with integrated sensor module

Smart gearboxes with integrated sensor module
Picture:  Wittenstein
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Wittenstein alpha presents smart gearboxes as standard products – gearboxes with cynapse. The innovation will be available for gearboxes in the alpha Premium Line from the launch date and then gradually extended to all Wittenstein alpha series. Gearboxes with cynapse are identical with the existing models in terms of design, size and contour, so that a drive solution which has already been designed needs no further modification.

It is the sensor module integrated in the smart gearbox that makes the difference. Thanks to this sensor module, influencing quantities in the process and the environment which impact on gearbox operation can be identified, measured and output via an IO link. So these smart gearboxes allow parameters such as temperature, vibration and operating hours to be recorded and communicated to the cloud level using the standardised connectivity of the IO link interface and an IO link master. Both there and in the machine’s immediate environment this information can be used, for instance, to improve the availability and productivity of processes and equipment in condition monitoring or predictive maintenance applications.


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