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Safe to run dry and ex-proof

Plant Processing
Safe to run dry and ex-proof

Safe to run dry and ex-proof
The magnetic coupled safe to run dry pump type MPatan accomplishes the explosion protection merely by its design. No level- or temperature monitoring is needed, not even a safeguard for dry running. In the event of a rare disturbance in an ex-zone, the pump will not be a source of ignition.

MPatan is suited for the use in zone-0 vessels. Extreme applications are also possible, like submersion depths of up to 5 m and fluid temperatures up to 200 °C. Rare disturbances such as failures of bearings or seals will not develop as sources of ignition. In the event of a disturbance, the change in barrier-gas flow will be a perfect indicator for the malfunction. If the gas flow tolerances are exceeded, the pump is turned of.
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