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Quick-connect couplers

Tight Seals, With No Tools Needed
Quick-connect couplers

The Stop-Lok Multi-Application Coupler from OPW is designed for connecting piping and hoses that are used in fluid-handling applications that require higher heat and pressure. This evolution of traditional union couplings features a compact structure with increased functionality, and no tools are required to complete the connection process. The Stop-Lok’s dual protected seals help to ensure the highest level of leak protection while preventing damage from occurring to the hose or pipe during connection, according to the company.

The Stop-Lok is suitable for loading and unloading fluids in chemical, water, steam, hydrocarbon and heating-and-cooling applications with pressures up to 27.5 bar. Ease of use is found in the Stop-Lok’s scalloped connection sleeve that allows for a hand-tight, tool-free connection that cannot be over-tightened.
The Stop-Lok’s smooth-bore coupler is constructed of 316 stainless steel and is available in 0.75″, 1″, 1.5″, 2″ and 3″ sizes, all of which have no variation in pipe diameter, which enables couplers to generate consistent non-restrictive flowrates.

OPW Fluid Transfer Group Europe

Hall 8.0, Stand C54

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