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Pneumatic actuator for sterile applications

Plant Processing
Pneumatic actuator for sterile applications

Pneumatic actuator for sterile applications
Picture: Sisto Armaturen
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Sisto Armaturen S.A. launches a double-acting or single-acting pneumatic actuator, which is designed for diaphragm valves used in sterile applications. A special technical feature of the MD30-MD202 actuator range is that the actuator housing and the valve bonnet are made from a single piece of material. Compared with predecessor models, this design change substantially reduces the actuator’s overall height so that considerably less space is required to accommodate block-bodied multi-port valves. The actuators are also 45 % lighter than the two-piece design. In addition to the stainless steel variant, the two largest actuator sizes are also available in a weight-saving aluminium design.

The actuator can be fitted to the valve body without nuts as the threads are integrated in the body, significantly facilitating mounting. The orientation of the air connection can be adjusted in 90° steps. Accessories such as travel stop, positioner or proximity switches for actual-position feedback can be retrofitted by the operator as and when required. The actuators can be replaced with manual actuation bonnets at any time.

Sisto C valves can be operated at pressures as high as 16 bar.

Online search: cpp0317sisto

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