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Mixer for natural fibre compounds

Optimised for Resysta material
Mixer for natural fibre compounds

Mixer for natural fibre compounds
Heatin-cooling mixer combination MTI Flex-line Picture: MTI Mischtechnik
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MTI Mischtechnik will be showing a heating/cooling mixer combination designed for processing natural fibre compounds (NFC). The mixing plant has been optimised for the production of Resysta material and the MTI Flex-line M 1000 / K 3300 has a heating mixer volume of 1101 l and a cooling mixer volume of 3308 l. A Vent tec 2.0 aspiration system ensures the dehumidification of the mixture.

The Resysta material consists of about 60 % rice husks, rock salts and mineral oil. It can be processed like wood and thus opens up a wide range of applications.


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