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Infrared welded PVC-U piping system

Machine-controlled process
Infrared welded PVC-U piping system

Infrared welded PVC-U piping system
With IR PVC-U, GF Piping Systems introduces an infrared welded PVC-U piping system that allows reliable joints in a machine-controlled process. Picture: GF Piping Systems
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With IR PVC-U, GF Piping Systems introduces an infrared welded PVC-U piping system that allows reliable joints in a machine-controlled process. The solution combines the PVC-U piping system and the infrared welding machines to produce reliable, reproducible joints.

The system consists of the necessary weldable fittings, valves and pipes designed for an operating pressure of 16 bar. In the beginning, two metric dimensions, d25 and d50 will be available. The welding process offers integrated quality control and traceability for each joint. Existing IR machines can be updated to process the new IR PVC-U system.

Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd, Schaffhausen, Switzerland

Hall 8.0, Booth E64

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