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Hygienic twin screw pump range expanded

For extreme speed and flow rates
Hygienic twin screw pump range expanded

Hygienic twin screw pump range expanded
The TSG model of hygienic twin screw pumps is available as an additional option for all standard sizes in the FDS range Picture: Fristam
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Fristam Pumps is expanding its range of hygienic twin screw pumps to include a Twin Speed Gearbox (TSG) model. The TSG model is available as an additional option for all standard sizes in the FDS range. In terms of its construction, it is a simple and robust mechanical drive solution with various advantages compared with the purely standard three-phase or servo motors. For applications in which pumps need to cope with extreme speed and flow rate ranges, the TSG offers a very simple, robust, and economical solution. This design ensures that the FDS twin screw pumps can fully exploit their technically feasible speed range without being subject to the limitations of a standard motor. Another important advantage is that by using the Twin Speed Gearbox in the FDS, the installed motor power can be reduced by one to two sizes. Thus, it not only lowers the investment costs, but also improves the energy efficiency of the powertrain across the entire speed range of the pumps. And last but not least, this design facilitates better and more stable pump regulation, since it works in the comfort frequency range of a standard three-phase motor.


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