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High temperature pump series

Plant Processing
High temperature pump series

High temperature pump series
Allheat pumps from Allweiler are capable of pumping synthetic oils at temperatures up to +400 °C and design pressures up to 40 bar (PN 40), yet the design requires no mechanical seal cooling. They offer an economic alternative to conventional heat-transfer pumps that rely on costly special seals. Available as base-plate, block, and inline versions, Allheat pumps include a wide range of standardised parts that makes them economical to produce and simple to maintain. Finally, a uniform combination of materials covers all pumped liquids.

Allheat pumps are extremely versatile, another economic benefit. For example, if an operator decides to convert to modern synthetic oils, he can easily adapt existing pumps to the elevated requirements simply by replacing the insert units. The flexibility of using a single pump type with a variety of heat-transfer liquids should greatly simplify processes for operators and plant designers.
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