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Heavy duty bulk bag filler

Plant Processing
Heavy duty bulk bag filler

Heavy duty bulk bag filler
The Flexicon bulk bag filling system for ultra-heavy-duty applications fills bulk bags with aggregates, abrasive minerals, powdered metals, dry chemical additives, filter press cake, and other difficult-to-handle bulk materials. The skid-mounted system features a Twin-Centerpost frame that maximises strength and improves accessibility to bag hooks. An integral flexible screw conveyor with heavy duty screw, steel outer tube and high-capacity hopper feeds the filler consistently with a broad range of free- and non-free-flow bulk materials.

The filler is mounted on load cells that transmit weight gain signals to a controller that runs the conveyor at full feed rate, and then at trickle feed rate immediately prior to stopping the conveyor once the target bag weight has been gained. It is equipped as standard with forklift fill head height adjustment to accommodate all popular bag sizes, and a feed chute outlet port for dust-free air displacement during filling. Automated functions include an inflatable collar to seal the bag inlet spout, an inflator to remove creases from the bag prior to filling, an automated vibratory densification/deaeration system to stabilise the bag, and pneumatically-retractable bag hooks that disconnect the bag from the filler, ready for removal by forklift.
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