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Filling system for the chemical industry

Filling and palletising
Filling system for the chemical industry

Filling system for the chemical industry
Fillpac FFS: High throughput, availability and a compact design are key features of the system Picture: Beumer
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The form fill seal system Fillpac FFS forms bags from a prefabricated tubular PE film and fills them with the product. The customers can select the optimal machine performance class from the Beumer product family depending on their requirements. To palletise the bags, barrels, canisters, cartons or buckets, the Beumer Robotpac is used. Depending on the packaged items, it is equipped with the appropriate gripping tool which can be easily and automatically changed, if the packaged items change. The fork gripper for example was designed specifically for palletising cardboard boxes, the finger gripper for bagged goods. For maximum performance, a double gripper for both types is offered. Moreover, there are parallel grippers for dimensionally stable packed items.


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