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Dry-disconnect couplings

Safely transfer fluids without spillage
Dry-disconnect couplings

Dry-disconnect couplings
These dry-disconnect couplings feature a non-spill sealing technology Source: Stäubli Tec-Systems

The TTX range of dry disconnect couplings from Stäubli, based on the Stanag 3756 standard (related to Equipment for Receipt and Delivery of Aviation Kerosene and Diesel Fuels), provides an optimum high flowrate, along with non-spill technology featuring a disc-valve design that ensures sealing during connection and disconnection. The modular construction allows rapid maintenance, and the ergonomic design ensures easy handling. These high-flow connectors provide safety and efficiency for a wide variety of industries and media. Potential applications include loading and unloading of rail tanks, trucks, containers and drums, as well as transfer and distribution systems and connections for test benches.

This company will also be showcasing flat-face NCB quick couplings, which allow non-spill, clean-break disconnections. Beyond standard automatic locking, the NCB is also available in a screw-on configurations

Stäubli Tec-Systems Fluid Connectors

Hall 8.0, Stand D93

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