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Docking system for big bags

High containment value
Docking system for big bags

Docking system for big bags
Docking system for filling and emptying big bags and bags Picture: Dietrich Engineering Consultants
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The Dec docking system for emptying and filling big bags and bags guarantees a very high containment value of 1 μg/m3. Advantages of the system include the simplified operation, i. e. time savings compared to conventional systems, an effortless cleaning process as well as the ability to provide containment without auxiliary utilities. The system provides a perfect seal with solvent-resistant components that securely seal bags with creases as well. In addition, operators benefit from low operating costs and the system‘s high reliability.

Dec specialises in big bag emptying and filling stations that are designed according to customer criteria in terms of size and containment needs. Depending on the product flow they can be equipped with fluidising funnels and lump breakers, as well as massage units.


Online search: cpp0219dec

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