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Clean filling of powder into PE bags

Plant Processing
Clean filling of powder into PE bags

Clean filling of powder into PE bags
Picture: Haver & Boecker
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Adams stands for the filling of powder-type products into PE packaging made of FFS film. Here the bag is formed inside the filling machine from a pre-made PE tubular film. The product makes its way through the dosing and weighing systems – which are matched to the product – and is then packed into the bags as they are formed and welded shut in the packing machine. The heart of the Adams technology is its compaction system which makes it possible to pack even the finest powder with FFS technology.

Bags filled by the Adams technology always provide dust-free surroundings along the entire value-adding chain and allow a clean and attractive product presentation. The cleanliness of the filling process is striking, and as a result there is far less wear and tear to packing systems and downstream equipment. The material costs for maintenance and repairs fall, and machine downtime is reduced. The result is improved capacity utilisation and reduced operating costs.

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