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Bag-in-box filler with shorter filling cycles

Plant Processing
Bag-in-box filler with shorter filling cycles

Bag-in-box filler with shorter filling cycles
In the compact Astepo high speed low acid bag-in-box filler (HS-LA) filling cycles are shortened by the use of electric servo motors controlling the aseptic filling head and bag feeder. Bags and fitment tooling can be changed quickly and easily and the machine can fill a wide range of bags and products using any commercial 1“ spout type.

Designed to meet the market demand for a faster, even more reliable machine, the Alfa Laval Astepo HS-LA linear bag-in-box filler is suitable for high acid (pH <4.5) and low acid products (pH >4.5), such as juices, beverages, concentrated juices, purees, and dairy products like soft ice mix and flavoured UHT milk. Specially developed for the sterile filling of aseptic bags, from 3 to 25 l (1/2 to 6 gallons) the filler is fully automatic in operation and gives a continuous filling process with a high level of reliability.
The bags are delivered pre-irradiated with gamma rays, with a wide variety of commercial caps of the flat rigid type, or dispensing caps, both thermal and non thermal resistant, with high or low fitments.
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