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Analysis and optimisation means saving money

Saving energy in tribology systems
Analysis and optimisation means saving money

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A lot of energy can be saved in tribology systems by adopting the right approach. In many cases, energy costs can be reduced for a low outlay simply by changing the lubricant. KlüberEnergy Services offers a systematised approach for identifying and leveraging optimisation potential beyond mere lubricant recommendations.

Energy efficiency is a major issue in the chemical industry, not only because rising energy costs constitute a key cost driver. Another important factor is that high energy consumption shows up as an adverse effect in a company’s environmental performance balance. Often, however, energy efficiency projects entail a substantial outlay for the companies concerned, which makes promised savings appear in a different light. KlüberEnergy Services offers a systematised approach for identifying and leveraging optimisation potential. One advantage of its projects is that energy costs can be verifiably saved relatively easily. The chemical company’s contribution is primarily limited to a few man-hours for joint project discussions, assistance with the measurements and the effort for changing the lubricant. Together with the customer, Klüber Lubrication develops a solution for the specific conditions involved which goes beyond mere lubricant recommendations. This is because while significant successes can be swiftly achieved by switching from a mineral oil-based lubricant to a synthetic one, this is a long way from exhausting all the potential available.

More stringent auditing regulations

For many companies, the certification of their energy management system under ISO 50001 is very important. The latest version of ISO 50003, which will come into force in October 2017, will have substantial consequences for companies certified according to ISO 50001. The revised standard lays down that, in future, auditors will be obliged to document any major non-conformances when renewing a certification, unless there is a project ongoing for improving energy efficiency in which the savings realised have been quantified in conformity with international standards. It is for precisely this purpose that KlüberEnergy offers a systematised solutional approach.

The project involves professionally identifying potential savings in the tribological systems, measuring the energy consumption before and after the solution is implemented, analysing the data collected in this way and translating the results of the measurements into specific statements about the financial savings which are achieved. The high-performance lubricant which is selected based on the analysis of the tribological system can be utilised the initial measurement. A second measurement is then carried out. In addition, the component concerned is holistically analysed. Depending on its condition, a cleaning procedure may also be required. Klüber Lubrication has developed a speciality product for this purpose that can remove decades-old residues of mineral oil products from components.

Successful pilot project

A globally operating supplier in the chemical industry placed an order with Klüber Lubrication to identify potential energy savings at its plant. Following project discussions with both the energy team and maintenance people at the company concerned, the gear unit of an agitator in a polymer reactor was selected as a pilot project. First of all, the mineral oil previously used to lubricate this gear unit was replaced with a synthetic speciality lubricant. The unit was cleaned using this product before being filled with the high-performance oil.

When the power consumption was measured, it was revealed that the superior performance of the new lubricant – developed specifically for gear units – had enabled efficiency levels to be substantially increased, resulting in a payback time of around two years. In fact, the initial investment is often recovered in less than twelve months, depending on the operating situation on the line, and there is a massive reduction in CO2 emissions. The much longer oil change intervals for gear units are a further benefit. This pilot project conducted on just one unit has already resulted in annual savings amounting to 3000 euros, comprised primarily of energy savings and lower maintenance costs. On a larger production line, the number of units that can be changed over to synthetic, high-performance gear oils is far greater, leading to huge potential savings.


Online search: cppPC117klüber

Author : Helga Thomas

Market Manager Pharma and Chemical Industry,

Klüber Lubrication

Author : Alexander Leis

Service Business Developer KlüberEnergy,

Klüber Lubrication

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