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Transforming GMP manufacturing

Robotic solutions
Transforming GMP manufacturing

Transforming GMP manufacturing
ChargePoint‘s new robotics solution is being unveiled at Achema Picture: Chargepoint Technology

Chargepoint Technology, a powder- and liquid-transfer specialist, has announced the launch of a new robotic material-handling solution aimed at increasing safety and efficiency in solid-dosage drug manufacturing.

The new robotics solution, being unveiled at Achema, is expected to improve efficiency for manufacturers looking to automate and update their production processes. This could be revamping portions of existing lines to create semi-continuous cells, or developing fully autonomous manufacturing for the more advanced facilities of tomorrow.

Robotics can help prevent potential risks associated with manual intervention by eliminating ergonomic and manual handling concerns as well as reducing the risk of cross contamination from personnel.

Combining new PuroGrip, PuroVaso containers and the ChargePoint SBV, the robotic approach will allow manufacturers to upgrade their manufacturing practices by creating a handling system that can be deployed quickly from pre-engineered and off-the-shelf components.

The robotic PuroGrip has been developed to create a seamless connection between robotic arms used in pharmaceutical process lines and ChargePoint’s range of lightweight PuroVaso containers. The PuroGrip will be used to effortlessly dock PuroVaso containers into ChargePoint’s automated Split Butterfly Valve to create a contained solution for material transfer.

ChargePoint Technology

Achema: Hall 3.1, Stand C50

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