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Robotised packaging line

Serialisation and aggregation of blisters to the cartons
Robotised packaging line

Robotised packaging line
The Integra 720V is a robotised integrated line for packaging blisters in cartons Picture: Marchesini
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The Integra 720V from Marchesini Group is a robotised integrated line for packaging blisters in cartons. The line can be equipped with the BL-A525 CW labelling machine complete with incorporated checkweigher for dynamic weighing and control of the cartons. A unique software package aggregates the blister to the carton. This is a strategically important solution for all contexts where blisters are sold, distributed or separated from their original pack. The Integra line can be further equipped with a predictive maintenance solution. The data of the sensors installed on board the machine is collected, analysed with the aid of artificial intelligence algorithms, transformed into information useful to the operator and displayed by means of a dedicated web platform.

Marchesini Group S.p.A., Bologna, Italy

Hall 3.1, Booth G3

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