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Robotic blister packaging line

Robotic blister packaging line

Robotic blister packaging line
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Marchesini Group presents the the robotic blister packaging line Integra 520 V which will be exhibited together with the labeller by Neri BLA 525 and the fast bundler FA 04 by Multipack, which are both built to manage the flow of 500 cartons per minute incoming from the cartoner Cinquecento. Integra520V is a robotised blister line, integrating the two operations of blister thermoforming and packaging in carton. The line is composed of two sections, each managed by a PC, and it is the fastest and most innovative line produced by Marchesini. The BLA 525 is an indexing device that positions and sets the incoming cartons apart at a specific distance on the toothed belts with adjustable width, which prevent feasible slipping. This conveyor system is associated with a logical “Fail Safe” reject system that ensures only “correct” cartons reach the next machine. The BLA 525 can fit all the printing and vision systems currently available to reach a rate of 500 cartons per minute.

Hall 8a, Booth A65
www.cpp-net.com search: cpp0217marchesini
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