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Non-aseptic area automation

Inspecting and packaging
Non-aseptic area automation

Non-aseptic area automation
Automation in the final production tasks Picture: Stäubli Tec-Systems

The newest pharma offering from Stäubli, Accesspharma, focuses on the Grade C environment, coming full circle with fast, reliable automation solutions for non-aseptic areas. The Accesspharma series is designed for inspection and secondary packaging applications in Grade C/D areas, where cleaning is generally handled with isopropyl alcohol or ethanol alcoholic wipes. The robots feature a new isopropyl alcohol- and ethanol-resistant coating, as well as hygienic screws.

Automation in Grade C areas can help organisations cope with labor shortages and relieve workers of the physical demands of loading and unloading machines.

Stäubli Tec-Systems

Achema: Hall 3.1, Stand J72

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