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Filtration and drying in one solution

Continuous sterile API manufacturing
Filtration and drying in one solution

Filtration and drying in one solution
Astro Decfilterdryer Picture: DEC Group

Dec Group is a global provider of powder handling and process containment systems for the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and cosmetics industries with headquarters in Switzerland. The new Astro Decfilterdryer is tailored to meet the needs of industries requiring access to larger scale active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and fine chemical, continuous processing solutions.

The robust design features Dec’s proprietary technology to produce at large scale, while offering both non-sterile and sterile executions. With the ability to provide 50 kg or more per unit at a cost-effective price, it is a go-to option for continuous sterile API manufacturing.

Key features of this novel design include the following:

Pilot and production scale solutions are available for applications ranging from 5 to 50 kg per hour

Filtration and washing, or filtration, washing and drying steps all in one solution

Designed for steam sterilization to meet sterile application requirements

Designed in accordance with cGMP standards

Enhances product attributes and typically increases yield

Interface with both batch and continuous up and downstream unit operations

Suitable for safe area (ATEX) and ordinary / hazardous location

Available as a stand-alone system or integrated as part of a turnkey solution

Materials of construction include, 316L stainless steel, C22 alloy and glass lined steel

DEC Group

Achema: Hall 6.0, Stand C73

Current Whitepaper

New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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