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Filter components for high-purity and hygienic processing

Filter components for high-purity and hygienic processing

Filter components for high-purity and hygienic processing
Melt-blown filter cartridges Picture: Taiwan Grace

Taiwan Grace International produces filter cartridges, filter housings and other filter components for a range of industrial filtration applications. At Achema, the company is exhibiting filtration products for industrial sectors that require high-purity and hygienic processing, including the semiconductor, pharmaceutical, food and beverage and others.

Taiwan Grace‘s melt-blown filter cartridges are made from superfine polypropylene fibers. The cartridge material is directly sprayed in a molten state at high temperature and pressure to form a three-layer structure. The three-layer design enhances the retention of dirt and contaminants while maintaining a longer service life. The filter material has dense fibers inside and looser ones outside. The usability of this melt blown filter makes them ideal as pre-filters for many industrial processes. The filter cartridges have great filtration efficiency while preventing the release fibers from the filter surface and preventing the release of filtered contaminant material.

Taiwan Grace is also displaying its membrane pleated filter cartridges, which are specially treated to prevent fiber release, and are designed to perform unaffected by pressure differences. These pressure differences can cause uneven use of the filtration area.

Taiwan Grace International

Hall 11.0, Stand C59

Current Whitepaper

New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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