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Filling system with 1-gram accuracy

Filling system with 1-gram accuracy

Filling system with 1-gram accuracy
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As a real all-rounder, Bizerba’s FSL-Pro S filling system can be used in a variety of applications including the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, paints, and varnishes. Semi-automatic and flexible, the unit can also be used to reliably fill flammable, foaming or corrosive liquids into different containers with 1-gram accuracy and to safely close the containers afterwards. The FSL-Pro S system particularly lends itself to companies with frequent product changeovers. Downtimes are reduced by the unit’s flexible handling. Products and containers can be changed quickly and easily. The filler valve must not be removed for cleaning, thus saving time and process steps. Simple handling by a single operator enables parallel processes including closing and labeling the containers during the filling process.

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