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Customized bioreactors

Fermentation processes
Customized bioreactors

Customized bioreactors
Stainless-steel bioreactors are customised for fermentation applications Picture: Bioreactors.net

Biotechnological fermentation encompasses a diverse array of processes, ranging from relatively straightforward procedures to highly specialized and complex operations. Bioreactors.net is a pioneering company that specializes in the development of customized solutions spanning from pilot-scale setups to entire industrial complexes dedicated to fermentation processes.

Bioreactors range in size from 10 L to 50,000 l in volume and are available as standalone units or multiple units in complex bioreactor lines. Height to diameter ratios (H/D) range from 1.1 to 3.2. Stainless-steel (316L) surfaces contact the product. A collaborative effort brings together a diverse team of fermentation experts, skilled programmers, and seasoned process engineers. This interdisciplinary approach ensures that each project receives the attention to detail and expertise required to produce a truly unique fully-automated fermenter design and control system. The combination of mass flow controllers, sensors, vessel H/D ratio, pumps and other accessories are specified precisely to the needs of each process.


Achema: Hall 12.0, Stand A4

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