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Continuous direct compression

Tablet manufacture
Continuous direct compression

Continuous direct compression
An Intuitive user interface Picture: Fette Compacting

Fette Compacting presents new approaches to tablet production. The FE CPS continuous system is at the heart of this approach. In a pilot project, the processing system convinced a pharmaceutical company that produces over-the-counter medicines for the global market. Numerous product trials made it clear that continuous direct compression was ideal for two over-the-counter medicines. The producer wanted to achieve a stable, consistent product quality while simplifying the formulations – without granulation. The direct compression line fulfilled this requirement in numerous trials.

The tests also showed that different base materials can be processed uniformly without the addition of a flow regulating agent. Regulating agents are increasingly becoming a regulatory issue as they are often based on nanoparticles and have potential health impacts. The test runs of the continuous tableting system confirmed that a flow regulating agent is no longer necessary if the process is set up appropriately and product is processed gently.

The test partner was also impressed by the ease of operation of the entire line via a central interface (Human Machine Interface, HMI). Operators are generally familiar with the tablet press control system and can quickly familiarize themselves with the additional functions for dosing, mixing, and process analysis.

As the project has shown, continuous direct compression with FE CPS is a cost-effective, solution for tablet production. The combination with integrated process analysis technology ensures users a high level of product quality, production efficiency, and throughput.

Fette Compacting

Achema: Hall 3.0, Stand F3

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