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Blender series comes in a range of sizes

From 2 to 400 l
Blender series comes in a range of sizes

Blender series comes in a range of sizes
The Mixomat rotating drum blender Picture: Fuchs Maschinen

The Mixomat portfolio from Fuchs Maschinen consists of the four families of drum blenders: the Mixomat mini, a laboratory unit for container sizes up to a maximum of 2 l, the Mixomat A, a laboratory blender for container sizes up to a maximum of 26 l, the Mixomat B, an upright blender for container sizes up to maximum of 400 l, and Mixomat C, a tiltable drum blender up with a maximum capacity of 400 l. The Mixomat C has two subgroups: Mixomat C-HE for cleanroom applications, and C-SE for all other applications.

In principle, the blenders are configured to order from standard modules. This means that one or two containers can be blended at the same time. For larger drums, it is possible to grip them directly from the pallet or other drum transport equipment and lift them into the blending position (tiltable versions). The blenders for drum sizes up to 200 l are available in a mobile version. All blenders (except the Mixomat mini) are available in Ex versions, which are suitable for zones 1, 21, 2 and 22.

The Mixomat tumbling drum blenders can also be adapted to customer-specific requirements, the company says. For example, blenders can be customised with container holders adapted to containers provided by the customer.

Fuchs Maschinen

Achema: Hall 5.0, Stand B57

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