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Instrumentation & Automation

Individual solutions for complex measurements
Modular gas analyzers

The Siprocess GA700 modular gas analyzer has design certification for many markets worldwide. It allows quick changeover from one measurement task to the next...

For process temperatures up to 450 °C
High-temperature diaphragm seal

The high-temperature diaphragm seal type 990.45 is used in refineries, among other places, for precise measurement even at high process temperatures. It is...

Digital communication in process plants
A transport network for data in the field

The direction is clear, without digitisation, plants in the process industry will continue to remain below their capabilities. However, there is not just one...

Quick detection of leaks from storage tanks
Continuous monitoring of containment areas

When storage tanks contain hazardous materials, failing to prevent or quickly detect spills and leaks can have catastrophic consequences. Personnel can be...

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New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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