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Energy & Environment

Oil-free turbo compressor for high air demand
Three-stage efficiency

Thanks to a number of sophisticated design features, continuous, high compressed air demand in the process industries can be met very reliably and even more...

Integrated logistics center at Schülke & Mayr
Dangerous goods safely stored

The storage and picking of dangerous goods, such as disinfectants, preservatives and additives, brings with it special challenges regarding fire prevention...

IE2 motors for chemical applications
Energy savings in continuous operation

The energy saving directive is currently a hot topic, as many mechanical engineering and plant construction companies are intensively considering the subject...

Waste water incineration
Pure oxygen for more productivity

The additional use of pure oxygen for thermal disposal or recycling of waste products is state-of-the-art. Moreover, the development of an oxygen-operated...

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New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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