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Energy & Environment

Boehringer Ingelheim uses microwave technology
Disinfection of waste

At Boehringer Ingelheim’s biopharmaceutical location in Biberach, researchers are focusing specifically on protein therapeutics and, linked to this...

Flammable storage cabinets for flammable liquids
Short distances, safe handling

For the extension of its paint storage facility, a medium-sized company was looking for a flexible and mobile solution that would allow paint and varnish to be...

Robust sensors for pressure and level measurement
Efficient water treatment

Having built more than 10,000 plants all over the world serving one billion people, Degrémont has proved itself without any doubt to be a global leader in the...

Energy-efficient system for climate control
Climate change with savings potential

Particularly in the case of larger switchgear installations, the savings potential in terms of energy costs is enormous. Both energy-efficient individual...

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