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6 Innovation Themes and 5 Highlight Sessions
Program and Lecture Details at www.achema.de/congress and in the App
6 Innovation Themes and 5 Highlight Sessions

ACHEMA fully integrates the congress into the exhibtion program. All lecture sessions will take place on the Innovation Stages directly in the exhibition halls or close to the exhibition groups. The...

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Eating & Drinking in Frankfurt

Frankfurter Äpfelwein Botschaft, Eschborner Landstr. 154, Tel. 069 74305677
Ban Thai Restaurant, Leipziger Straße 26, Tel. 069 772675, very good Thai...

Where to go after ACHEMA show
It’s never boring in Frankfurt

Summer in Frankfurt is more than ACHEMA show. The Main metropolis offers a whole host of exciting entertainment, lovely places to be, and and lots of bars...

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