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Innovative machines and complete processing lines
All-in-one solutions for the pharmaceutical sector

The Pharmaceutical Divisions of IMA Group and its specialists introduce IMA Pharma, the All-In-One supplier specialized in the design and manufacture of...

Structured Packings Clean Quickly and Effectively, While Saving Space
High cleaning performance for wet scrubbers

Plastic random packings are widely used in scrubbers for exhaust air purification, operating on the principles of absorption and desorption. However, they are...

Heat slurries without fouling

The Non-Obstructing Heater (NOH) has a straight-tube design that allows for unrestricted flow, prevents pressure drop, and heats slurries without plugging or...

Corrosion and temperature resistant
Alloys for heat exchanger tubes

The Alleima product portfolio includes hydraulic and instrumentation tubes, heat exchanger tubes, high-temperature tubing, seamless pipe, and solid and hollow...

Current Whitepaper

New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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