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Advanced valves
Valves for critical conditions

Bonomi developed a variety of valve solutions for critical conditions, including high temperatures or abrasive services. First among these is the Valpres...

Next-generation rubber-metal gaskets
Safe sealing, even in difficult conditions

KGS GII rubber-steel gaskets are available in a wide range of materials, including EPDM, NBR, NR, CSM and FKM. KGS GII gaskets feature high-strength...

Valve Solutions
Safe handling of cryogenic air gases

When liquefied at cryogenic temperatures, the volume of industrial gases reduces by a factor of up to 600, and therefore enables economic solutions for...

Valves and services
Safe handling of cryogenic air gases

When liquefied at cryogenic temperatures, the volume of industrial gases reduces by a factor of up to 600, and therefore enables economic solutions for...

Digitalization of functional safety creates added value for plant operators
Hima and Genua intensify partnership for OT security

As the industry embraces digitalization and faces increasing security requirements, the two German technology leaders Hima and Genua will further deepen their...

Current Whitepaper

New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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