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Seite 31


LG Chem increases glacial acrylic acid production
Crystallisation ensures high product purity

As an essential building block for a wide range of industrial and consumer products, high-purity acrylic acid is in demand and its market is ever-expanding. To...

Social media platform for process technology
How Achema Pulse works

With Achema Pulse on 15 and 16 June 2021, a brand new format is launched. The global virtual live event‘s primary goal is to bring people, ideas and...

Intrinsically safe augmented reality device for helmets
Hands free when working in explosive areas

The HMT-1Z1 head mounted tablet is a powerful head-worn computer that is controlled by voice commands. This augmented reality device was very well received by...

Current Whitepaper

New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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