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Seite 29


Increased productivity and time saving
Touch panel connects man and machine

In future, all subsidiaries of Haver & Boecker will introduce and use a consistent presentation concept for the design and usability of systems and machines...

Maximum energy efficiency, minimum TCO
Expanded screw blower series

Aerzen added smart features, and further improved functionality to its screw blowers Delta Hybrid. The additional blowers provide more energy efficiency, a...

Serialisation and aggregation of blisters to the cartons
Robotised packaging line

The Integra 720V from Marchesini Group is a robotised integrated line for packaging blisters in cartons. The line can be equipped with the BL-A525 CW labelling...

Safe emission protection and product recovery
Chemically resistant explosion-proof pump

Strict regulations are in place for the processing and distribution of explosive gases. KNF meets current standards with its new ex-proof pump. The N 680.1.2...

Careful handling of valuable high concentrates
Mixers and dryers in the production of pesticides

To manufacture pesticides, modern processing facilities are necessary. This is because the highly effective substances are not only valuable, but also not...

Current Whitepaper

New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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