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Helping to improve performance for refiners
FCC catalyst maximises butylens

BASF’s Fourtitude Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) catalyst is designed to maximise butylenes from resid feedstocks. Fourtitude, the latest product based on...

Safe code system for laboratory workflows
Track samples by their ID

The Eppendorf Safecode system enables a safe sample vessel tracking at all stages of the lab workflow. Safecode is based on a multi-level coding of the...

Paper-based solutions without quality loss
Sustainability in pharmaceutical packaging

Since packaging offers an important lever to act in an eco-friendly way, pharmaceuticals manufacturers have been eager to seek alternatives to traditional...

How engineering consolidation makes plant manufacturers faster
Consistent data for plant engineering

Anything can be consolidated: finances, political positions, companies, supposedly even marriages. But engineering? That especially! Consolidating means...

Modular all-in-one solution increases process efficiency
Intelligent piping systems

Piping systems are crucial networks that distribute, mix and dispense media such as process water, chemicals or cooling agents. They ensure a reliable...

Current Whitepaper

New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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