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Substitute of other pump technologies in chemical applications
Twin screw pumps as a replacement solution

Due to their hygienic properties and their dead space-free design, twin screw pumps have so far been a preferred choice in the food and beverage industry. The...

Convey sensitive gases or vapours
Versatile vacuum pumps

The Cobra NC 0100 B dry-screw vacuum pump is designed for conveying sensitive and explosive gases or vapours. Its construction allows safe operation at...

Atex and IECEx certified
Explosion-proof actuators

Explosion-proof Profox-X actuators are designed for Atex and IECEx certifications for the highest gas group IIC T4, which includes hydrogen. As with the whole...

Blowers and Compressors
Compressors for biogas applications

Aerzen designed blower and compressor technologies for the biogas sector, whether producing biomethane, feeding it into kilometre-long supply networks or...

Make sampling safer and more accurate
Ammonia sampling system

Swageloks’s ammonia sampler offers new design features to address the challenges associated with manual sampling tasks. It makes anhydrous ammonia sampling...

Current Whitepaper

New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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