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Seite 13


Scale up processes easily
Pilot reactor family

AGI Glassplant, part of the AGI Group, is excited to announce that it will be launching its AGI Glassplant Sakura Pilot Reactors at ACHEMA 2024. This includes...

Two Sinter-Plate Filter Innovations

The newly developed Herding Beta filter element has the unique and proven properties of the Sinter-Plate Filter and is specially designed for higher operating...

Interactive exhibits
Aseptic automation for pharmaceuticals

Stäubli has been a partner to the pharmaceutical industry for decades. Its groundbreaking Stericlean series, launched in 2008, was the world’s first robot...

Flexible filling under Containment
Small Batch Production

Biologics often require a unique production methodology, driven by the need to handle batch sizes in the hundreds rather than thousands. In applications with...

Current Whitepaper

New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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