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With the help of bacteria
Store hydrogen in form of formic acid

Festo presented automation concepts for hydrogen production, battery recycling, algae cultivation and bioreactors. Also, the BionicHydrogenBattery, which is...

Comprehensive scientific process engineering
Reduced time to market for turnkey projects

Optima Pharma offers customized filling and process solutions for the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. The company is the turnkey partner for complete...

Lyophilised reagents for clinical diagnostic devices
Handling, singulation and dispensing 

Lyophilisation, or freeze-drying, is a pivotal process in clinical diagnostics for stabilising biological substances. It enhances the stability, storage, and...

In-process instruments
These devices help minimise process downtime

To replace, calibrate and test measuring devices commonly requires the plant’s process to be halted and opened in order to remove both the measuring device...

Current Whitepaper

New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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