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Visunet series expanded with a new range

HMI platform for Atex, IECEx zone 2/22, UL division 2 and non-hazardous areas
Visunet series expanded with a new range

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Pepperl+Fuchs has added a new range to its modular Visunet series. With the new Visunet FLX, the clue is in the name: FLX is short for flexibility, representing the fact that the user can custom-configure this modular system as required.

In the process industry, the requirements for product quality are extremely high. HMI devices, which are used in this sector for operating and monitoring the processes, also have to meet the highest demands. With this in mind, Pepperl+Fuchs already developed the modular Visunet GXP for hazardous areas back in 2016. This success story is now being continued with the new Visunet FLX for zone 2/22, Class I, II and III, division 2 and non-hazardous areas.
The modular system is the perfect solution for demanding application scenarios. The additional range supplements the existing Visunet GXP series, meaning a solution can be used from zone 1 and division 1 through to non-hazardous areas.

A highly flexible modular system

The fully modular design of the new platform allows for highly customised configuration of the HMI systems and enables fast, simple, and cost-efficient service in the field. Each user can choose from a wide range of technologies, mounting options, and peripheral devices. Every
HMI system consists of at least one computer and display unit, which can be configured specifically for the application. In order to optimally support every possible application, the Visunet FLX can be purchased as a thin client, PC, or direct monitor. It is available in three basic configurations according to the application requirement:

  • The HMI system or basic configuration 1:
    Various display options, including Full HD, are combined with a thin client, PC, or direct monitor unit. The housing is made of stainless steel, with a design that is suitable for pharmaceutical applications. Depending on the requirements, the system can be installed anywhere in the production plant on a pedestal using additional adapters or on a wall bracket.
  • The panel PC or basic configuration 2:
    This allows various display options to be combined with a thin client, PC, or direct monitor unit for panel mounting.
  • The box PC or basic configuration 3:
    This consists of a stand-alone PC or a stand-alone thin client for direct installation in a switch cabinet.

For cost-effective thin client applications,
all basic configurations are equipped with Celeron processing units. For more CPU-intensive applications, i5 processing units are available from Intel‘s seventh-generation „Kaby Lake.“ Not only does this computer technology provide high performance for future software features, it also allows components to be easily replaced during upgrades. Overall, therefore, it is a safe investment in the future.

For any installation situation

The new platform has been perfectly aligned to the needs of the fine chemicals and pharmaceutical industry. This means the Visunet FLX easily meets the high requirements of one of the most regulated industrial sectors. For instance, the devices can be used for producing vaccines in pharmaceutical clean rooms. To this end, the HMIs feature special stainless steel housing and are resistant to a variety of chemicals and cleaning agents. They are also suited for pharmaceutical applications, as the lack of steps, edges, or horizontal surfaces make them easy to clean.

Such sites are often multi-purpose production plants that manufacture a wide range of products. For instance, solid or liquid raw materials are mixed in steel-encapsulated containers, at temperatures from -50 to 160 °C under pressure or in a vacuum, and react to pharmaceutical products. In order to monitor these processes, the devices do not just have to comply with GMP guidelines – they also need to handle a whole host of installation situations. The new platform offers complete installation flexibility and is therefore able to cover all installation requirements of the plant with a single-device series. Generally speaking, ceiling or wall mounting, panel installation, pedestals, versions with duplex monitors or even mobile carts are all possible. Any features not already covered by the large number of standard configurations can be implemented as an individual solution in one of the Pepperl+Fuchs Solution Engineering Centers (SECs) located around the world.

Maximum process availability

Plants in the chemical industry usually run around the clock in three-shift operation. In order to ensure continuous production, a key focus within the industry is the availability of all operator stations and the mean time to repair. Thanks to its modular design, the FLX, like the entire Visunet family, has a clear advantage over monolithic devices. The latter have to be completely dismantled, sent in, and repaired or replaced as necessary. With the modular Visunet device series, individual components can be replaced on-site by plant service personnel. This reduces downtime to a minimum and is extremely cost-effective. Plant operators can either stock relevant components themselves or quickly obtain them from a nearby spare parts warehouse. By using standard RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), the HMIs not only offer high reliability but also great flexibility. This makes Visunet FLX compatible with all standard PCS and MES systems.

Due to its wide range of configuration options, the FLX is perfect for a large number of possible applications. The devices were originally designed for the industrial indoor applications described above. These include vaccine production in pharmaceutical clean rooms and as an operator workstation for monitoring and controlling processes under GMP guidelines in batch-oriented production in the pharmaceutical industry. However, other versions are available for special requirements beyond these applications, which can be used in ambient conditions up to the extended temperature range: There are also versions with Zone 2/22 and Class I, II, III, Division 2 approval for other applications. Choose between an industrial-grade HMI for applications at temperatures from 0 to +40/45 °C, or a panel for operating temperatures from -20 to +55 °C. Both are optimally tailored to the needs of the (petro)chemical industry and to oil and gas applications.

Investment security

For operators of large processing plants, backward compatibility is another very important criterion. Since successor products are often not compatible with older HMIs, given the large number of devices installed, replacements and updates are often an unnecessarily high cost factor. As with the GXP, backward compatibility is ensured at all times in the Visunet FLX, such as through assembly compatibility and thin client technology, thereby ensuring a high level of investment security.


The new FLX is the ideal complement to the flexible and cost-effective HMI operator stations already on offer in the Visunet device family. This now guarantees a consistent portfolio from Zone 1 or Division 1 to the switch room – everything from a single source. With RM Shell firmware, all thin-client devices are also based on a common software philosophy with a focus on reliability and user-friendliness. Thanks to the Visunet control center, all HMI systems can be managed from an incredibly convenient central point. This ensures simple and uniform handling of the devices for users around the world.

Pepperl+Fuchs SE, Mannheim, Germany

Author: Natalie Walther

Product Marketing Manager HMI, Process Automation,


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