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Upgrade to distributed control system

Instrumentation & Automation
Upgrade to distributed control system

Upgrade to distributed control system
Quad screen support now provided with Freelance 2019 Picture:  ABB
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ABB announced an update to its Freelance distributed control system (DCS), which it originally launched in 1994. The Freelance suite of solutions comprises an operator level, a scaleable process level option, and an engineering application, which is used to configure and commission the system including the operator interface.

Freelance 2019 includes advanced navigation, filter and sort functionality. The user experience has been improved with a new, very modern UI. A new controller, PM 904F, expands the Freelance AC 900F controller family in the upper range, supporting four communication interfaces. It also provides more application memory and enables the reservation of specific memory. As for all Freelance controllers user applications are 100 % runtime-compatible which also enables smooth upgrade opportunities.

Freelance provides an additional alternative to its user management capabilities known as Security Lock by a solution called Extended User Management. This new option makes use of Windows user accounts, supporting both local and domain accounts. As a result typical requests for options such as central password management, rules for password complexity or password aging can be fulfilled. The update is available now.


Online search: cpp0119abb

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