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Ultrasonic clamp-on flowmeter and energy meter

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Ultrasonic clamp-on flow and energy meter

Ultrasonic clamp-on flow and energy meter
The TFX-5000 works in conjunction with two connectable RTDs as flowmeter or energy meter Picture: Badger Meter
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The ultrasonic clamp-on flowmeters and energy meters TFX-5000 are available in two versions:

  • a flowmeter for water delivery, raw sewage, cooling water, sea water, deionised water, water-glycol mixtures, alcohols, chemicals and many caustic fluids
  • a heating/cooling energy flowmeter used in conjunction with dual clamp-on Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) for temperature measurement in hydronic processes and HVAC systems

Users can select up to eight parameters to log, including flow rate and total, signal strength, and alarms to an 8 GB microSD card. Users are alerted to out-of-specification flow conditions and can access a history with the most recent alarm, error and event codes.

The TFX-5000 meter features a large, easy-to-read graphical display and provides Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP/IP, Bacnet MS/TP, and Bacnet/IP connectivity.

Badger Meter Europe GmbH, Neuffen, Germany

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