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Track samples by their ID

Safe code system for laboratory workflows
Track samples by their ID

Track samples by their ID
The Safecode system enables a safe sample vessel tracking at all stages of the lab workflow Picture: Eppendorf
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The Eppendorf Safecode system enables a safe sample vessel tracking at all stages of the lab workflow. Safecode is based on a multi-level coding of the consumables based on prelabeled datamatrix codes. The coding can be read by the Rackscan instrument, any handheld datamatrix scanner, or even the smartphone. The Safecode cryostorage vial family is now expanded by a series of barcoded classic conical tubes: 5, 15 and 50 ml for daily routine usage at the bench. The conical tubes are digitalised – on the tubes as well as for documentation purposes. Specific support material like lot number, certificates, technical drawings, etc. are available online based on the consumable ID.

Eppendorf SE, Haburg, Germany

Hall 4.1, Booth B35

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