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These devices help minimise process downtime

In-process instruments
These devices help minimise process downtime

These devices help minimise process downtime
The GV4730 MiniTherm temperature transmitter installs inside a separate protective tube Source: Labom

To replace, calibrate and test measuring devices commonly requires the plant’s process to be halted and opened in order to remove both the measuring device along with its process connection. This not only results in losing significant amounts of time and money, it also has the potential for mistakes and hazards. Labom is presenting a large range of solutions to minimize downtimes and optimize the process.

One of these solutions is the patented REconnect quick coupling system for simple and safe disconnection and reconnection of diaphragm-seal devices. Standing between the measuring device and the process connection, it makes servicing and handling particularly easy when installing measuring devices with a capillary, where space is limited and the devices are difficult to reach.

The diaphragm seal testing device makes it possible to easily verify diaphragm seals in future without interrupting or opening the process. As the measuring device and diaphragm seal are separated from each other by a quick coupling system, the diaphragm seal itself can then easily be connected to the testing device instead.

The GV4730 MiniTherm temperature transmitter (photo) also helps to minimize downtimes: It is a transducer designed for installation inside a separate protective tube and can optionally be supplied with a self-monitoring function for redundant temperature measurement, drift detection and failure warning.

Other solutions include an in-process calibration method and clamp-on technology. With in- process calibration, the respective measuring devices are designed so that they can be compared with a standard while attached to the process. The certified measuring standard is inserted into a special calibration opening in the device designed for this purpose. This makes it possible to monitor and check several measuring points at regular intervals, without any need to remove the temperature sensors. Clamp-on technology is used for temperature monitoring and process control, which is particularly useful for sterile processing. The temperature is measured from the pipe’s surface by means of simple clamp-on installation at any point in a pipework system — no interruption of the process or welding of a connection is required. ond

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