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SIL 3-capable radar level transmitter

Instrumentation & Automation
SIL 3-capable radar level transmitter

SIL 3-capable radar level transmitter
Rosemount 5408 non-contacting radar level transmitter for bulk solids level measurement Picture: Emerson
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Emerson has launched a dedicated version of its Rosemount 5408 non-contacting radar level transmitter to meet the specific demands of bulk solids level measurement. The SIL 3-capable device delivers enhanced accuracy, reliability and ease of use. By using a signal processing algorithm that merges surface peaks, the device provides a high level of accuracy. The two-wire Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) technology produces a continuous echo to maximise radar signal strength and produce a more robust measurement. The considerable amount of dust created during the fill cycle in solids applications creates a further challenge for measurement technology. Non-contacting transmitters usually handle dust in the vapour space well, but a heavy layer of dust on the antenna could block the signal. The Rosemount 5408 overcomes this with an integrated air purging system for cleaning the antenna. Advanced surface tracking and a condensation-resistant cone or parabolic antenna enable it to provide reliable measurements in demanding applications. In addition, radar-on-chip technology replaces a circuit board, removing sources of EMC noise which cause signal disturbance, and leading to improved measurement accuracy and reliability. To further enhance device reliability, an embedded power back-up removes vulnerability to intermittent power losses.


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