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Sampler with automatic flow control

Sampling systems
Sampler with automatic flow control

Sampler with automatic flow control
Automatic flow control handles fluctuations in load, pressure and more Picture: Dr. Thiedig

Steam and water analysing systems (SWAS) in power plants and process-steam generators are state-of-the-art today. Monitoring a variety of parameters in the water-steam cycle allows operators to optimise water chemistry and to protect expensive investments, such as steam turbines, from corrosion.

In power plants with frequent load changes, fluctuating pressures or higher particle loads caused by corrosion, valves often have to be readjusted manually to ensure sufficient sample flow. Dr. Thiedig’s Autoflow enables operators to automatically maintain a constant flow under such conditions. The Autoflow is therefore a prerequisite for the automation of new or existing sampling systems. At a process pressure of up to 400 bar, the flowrate can be kept constant at an adjusted target value between 15 and 65 l/h.

Dr. Thiedig

Hall 11.1, Stand E63

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