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Safety and security on a single platform

Instrumentation & Automation
Safety and security on a single platform

Safety and security on a single platform
The Hima Smart Safety Platform combines safety and security by uniformly tailoring hardware and software to each other Picture: Hima
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The Hima Smart Safety Platform combines safety and security by uniformly tailoring hardware and software to each other. Hima and the user jointly select the appropriate hardware and software components and install them in the plants. Existing Hima solutions can continue to be used or be upgraded to the latest generation. By migrating to this platform, plant operators fulfill all essential safety standards. The proprietary self-contained operating system of the safety controllers minimises the risk of cyberattacks. Backward-compatible software and hardware updates make the system highly future-proof and keep plant safety and security constantly up to date. The uniform hardware and software basis of the Smart Safety Platform reduces the effort and expense necessary for operation and maintenance of safety systems.

An important component of the Smart Safety Platform is the Hiquad X safety system, which fills the gap between the Himax and the Himatrix, which is designed for smaller applications. All Hima controllers are now united in the Smart Safety Platform. They can communicate with each other over Safeethernet, and they have a uniform operating system and the same programming environment.


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