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Residual gas analyses in vacuum

Instrumentation & Automation
Residual gas analyses in vacuum

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Leybold introduced its Leyspec Series residual gas analysers for use in high and ultra-high vacuum systems. These compact residual gas analysers are available in six variants, each featuring an integrated display that shows the partial pressures of the re-levant gases at any time. The user can assign a separate channel to analyse additional gases in the process. The accompanying software supports simple operations to complex analyses. The software always displays the total pressure, with additional test procedures and functiona-lities pre-installed, such as the helium leak test or the setting of warnings and error limits for certain gases. Simple gas analyses can be performed without connecting the Leyspec to a computer.

These analysers can be used in mass spectrometry applications for 100, 200 or 300 amu (atomic mass units), depending on process requirements.


Online search: cpp0119leybold

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