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Purge and pressurise enclosures in Zone 1

For large motors or large enclosures
Purge and pressurise enclosures in Zone 1

Purge and pressurise enclosures in Zone 1
Bebco EPS purge and pressurisation system designed specifically for use with large motors or large enclosures in Zone 1 Picture: Pepperl+Fuchs

Pepperl+Fuchs developed a Bebco EPS purge and pressurisation system designed specifically for use with large motors or large enclosures in zone 1 hazardous areas. The 6100 series purge and pressurisation system can purge an enclosure over 12.2 m. It consists of a control unit, vent, low pressure sensor, and optional temperature sensors. The control unit allows users to configure the system for size of motor, temperature switch points, pressure switch points for leakage compensation and shutoff pressure, extra output for control or alarm, two selectable intrinsically safe inputs for various actions, and up to three temperature sensor inputs that can monitor various points within the motor housing. The intrinsically safe user-interface can also be mounted in a separate enclosure near an operator for quick access and easy system monitoring.

Pepperl+Fuchs AG, Mannheim, Germany

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